
Can Apps Help You Quit Smoking?

Smoking cessation isn’t the easiest thing to do, but it’s not impossible. However, telling yourself to slow down, take deep breaths and finally give up cigarettes may not be enough. Mobile health care apps and technology are pushing forward, making things easier for everyone, including smokers who are trying to quit. Using third-party apps as a tool for quitting smoking can be very effective, which is why Text2MD has put together this comprehensive guide to quitting smoking through mobile health care.

Can Apps Help With Smoking Cessation?

Smoking is the cause of one of every five deaths in the United States. Each year, more than 16 million Americans live with a smoking-related disease. Many people look to stop smoking after the holidays when they have time off. Only a quarter of people who try to quit on New Year’s Day actually succeed, but new apps might change that. When it comes to smoking cessation, most people think it’s cold turkey or nothing. However, some apps on the market could be helpful, depending on your personality and disposition.

Types of Mobile Health Care Apps To Help You Quit Smoking

Mobile healthcare apps that can help with smoking cessation are an emerging trend and many apps can help you quit smoking. Some will track how long it’s been since your last cigarette; others will send you personalized notifications and alerts to remind you not to smoke. Others may use gamification to motivate you to stay on track. You can find these apps in the App Store or Google Play store. There are several different types of apps that can be used to help you quit, including:

Quit Trackers

Quit trackers are a popular way to help people quit smoking. These apps can be used on their own or combined with other forms of support, such as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or counseling. There are many quit trackers available on the market. Still, they generally fall into two categories: those that help you monitor your progress and those that provide information on how to quit. The best ones combine both approaches.

Quit trackers may be particularly useful for people who recently started smoking or tried to quit before but failed. They can also be useful if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding because NRT isn’t recommended in these situations.

How Do They Work?

Quit trackers come in many forms, including online, mobile apps, printed calendars, or spreadsheets. They are designed to keep your motivation up by giving you regular updates on how well you’re doing and providing tips and advice on staying motivated and sticking with it. Some also include social networking features, such as sharing your progress with friends and family members through Facebook or Twitter, which may help encourage others who want to quit smoking, too.

Some quit trackers are free, while others charge a nominal fee. Some even offer free trials so that you can test out whether they work for you before committing to pay for them.

Quitting-Smoking Tools

These tools provide users with information about quitting strategies, such as medications and nicotine replacement therapies, as well as tips for coping with cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Quit Smoking Apps With Nicotine Replacement Therapy

These apps provide information about quitting smoking, as well as support and encouragement. They also include tools such as a quit date reminder, daily check-ins, and a social network so that users can connect with other people who are trying to quit.

Quit Smoking Apps Without NRT

These apps provide information about quitting smoking and include tools such as a daily check-in system or a social network where users can connect with other people who are trying to quit. They do not include tools for replacing nicotine with another substance like patches or gum, though some may offer tips on how to cope with cravings.


Gamification is a game-based approach that can help people quit smoking. This strategy uses games to make quitting more fun and engaging. Gamification can be used in various ways — from providing rewards for reaching milestones to providing virtual support through social media platforms. Quests and missions that are fun to complete but also help you achieve your goals. Gamification is a way of making something engaging by using techniques common in games. Some examples include “leveling up,” achievements, and badges.

Cigarette Cost Calculators

This type of app calculates how much money you would save by not smoking cigarettes anymore compared to how much money you spend on them each month or year. This type of app gives smokers an idea of how much money they could save annually and put toward a vacation, new car, or something for their family.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Apps

These apps provide tools to help you cope with cravings, anxiety, and other emotions related to quitting smoking. Certain ones may also have features that keep track of your progress in quitting smoking and show you when to use NRT or other methods of quitting without using tobacco products.

Support Groups

Online support groups are often a great way to keep in touch with your peers, share your experiences and achievements, and stay motivated during the process. Some apps provide tools for setting up your own group or connecting with people who are already part of an established one.

If you feel like you need additional help after quitting smoking, consider joining a local support group through the National Cancer Institute’s free quit-smoking program at 1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848). The program offers telephone counseling from trained specialists who will coach you on all aspects of quitting smoking and help keep you on track toward reaching your goals.

Personalized Notifications and Alerts

You can also set up personalized notifications to help you stay on track with your quit plan. Such reminders can be delivered via email or text message and may include:

  • Reminders to take medication (e.g., nicotine replacement therapy)
  • Alerts that are sent when you get near an area where smoking is prohibited (e.g., a restaurant)
  • Notifications about triggers for cravings (e.g., watching TV shows about cigarettes)

You might also find it useful to install an app that will notify friends, family members, mentors, colleagues, and/or coaches if they have not heard from you in a while—which could mean that they need to check in with you more frequently than they otherwise would have done without the app installed so as not to miss anything critical regarding your well-being during this process!

Motivation Apps

Motivation apps are designed to help you stay motivated during your quit attempt. They may offer tips on managing cravings, providing support from other people who’ve quit smoking, and letting you track your progress.

Cessation Programs

These programs are often used in conjunction with other types of mobile health care apps so that users can get more support while they’re trying to quit smoking. They usually include information about nicotine dependence and how it affects the body, as well as strategies for dealing with withdrawal symptoms. In some cases, these programs also provide access to counselors who can talk through any issues you might encounter while trying to quit smoking.

Mobile Apps Can Help You Quit Smoking

The consequences of quitting smoking are well known. Smoking has been linked to illnesses like heart disease, lung cancer, and other health problems. It’s also expensive, with the average pack price increasing rapidly in the United States. And if you smoke, you’re not alone — nearly 30.8 million adults in the United States smoke. But quitting can be tough.

With the advent of mobile apps, it’s easier than ever to take control of your health and wellness. If you’re a smoker looking to throw in the towel, you have a lot of tools at your disposal. You can try nicotine gum or patches, go cold turkey, or join a support group. You can even try hypnosis! While these options might work for some smokers, they aren’t right for everyone. And that’s where mobile apps come in: they offer a unique way to reach people and give them the help they need to kick the habit once and for all.

Make a Positive Change in Your Life
To learn more about how you can improve your access to healthcare, including timely responses to medical questions and direct communication with board-certified physicians, contact Text2MD today! Our experts are ready and waiting to help you begin a healthier lifestyle so you can get the most out of your life and enjoy the things that matter most.

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