
What is the main cause of erectile dysfunction?

Some men who experience problems with sexual performance are reluctant when it comes to seeking professional care. They feel that erectile dysfunction, or ED, is a sensitive, personal issue that doesn’t necessarily need medical attention. But did you know that the main cause of ED is related to circulation, blood pressure, and psychological factors? TEXT2MD in Chicago, IL offers lifestyle medicine consultation services that can help you get the right care and information about this sensitive issue.

What’s the Main Cause of Erectile Dysfunction?

Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction is experienced by men who cannot keep an erection during intercourse. Many men find this condition frustrating and embarrassing, but it’s more common than you think. Up to 30% of men in their 20s and 30s have experienced symptoms of ED. The inability to keep an erection during intercourse can happen due to many reasons, some psychological and others physical.

Keep in mind that an occasional difficulty to achieve an erection is not necessarily the same as ED. The main cause of ED is linked with nerves or blood circulation. The penis has smaller blood vessels, so any medical problems that relate to blood vessel issues or hormone imbalances can become a primary cause.

When to Consult With a Medical Professional

Do you fail to get or keep an erection more than half of the time? Then it’s highly likely that you’re suffering from ED and need to see a medical professional soon. We know how sensitive and deeply personal this condition could be. Unfortunately, this problem is unlikely to resolve on its own without some form of treatment, therapy, or major lifestyle changes.

Getting the right diagnosis and treatment is essential before you can start to improve your quality of life. Depending on your health conditions, you may seek the opinion of urologists, endocrinologists, or lifestyle medicine specialists. By availing of the right treatment, you can reduce or eliminate the symptoms of this disorder and start living a better, more satisfying life.

Physical Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

A serious medical condition may be the reason why you’re suffering from sexual performance problems. By consulting with a professional, you can get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. It will also help you to better understand the main cause of your poor sexual performance.

Heart Disease

There’s a strong link between impotence and heart disease. Some specialists think that the difficulty to get or maintain erections may be a symptom of cardiac problems. This makes sense when you realize the fact that cardiac problems may cause your arteries to clog or harden. Erection problems often occur when the blood pathways are blocked.

Other health conditions related to heart and cardiac functioning can diminish the body’s ability to pump blood into the penis. When you can’t get enough blood flow into the penis, it will be more difficult or even impossible to achieve an erection. Consulting with a doctor can help you understand if this is the root cause of your problem.

High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is used by the body to build healthy cells. To maintain good health, we just need the right levels. Having too much cholesterol can cause medical issues that may eventually lead to impotence. Are you wondering what’s the link between cholesterol and sexual performance? Too much cholesterol can cause fatty acids to develop. In effect, these fatty acids can decrease blood flow to your arteries, including those in the penis.

Keep in mind that having high levels of cholesterol will not directly cause you to suffer from impotence. The damage to your arteries and insufficient blood flow caused by high cholesterol are the main causes of poor sexual performance.

High Blood Pressure

When your blood pressure is too high, there is an additional strain on your blood vessels, heart, and other organs. But did you know that there’s also a link between blood pressure and the inability to maintain erections? When your arteries are strained, there is less blood flow to the penis. This condition makes it difficult for you to achieve and maintain erections.

The good news is that some forms of medication used for hypertension may also improve erectile dysfunction in some men. In addition, a change in lifestyle and adoption of certain healthy habits can often bring your blood pressure down without medication. To be sure whether high blood pressure is the reason behind your lack of sexual performance, you can consult with a doctor and undergo testing.


Diabetes occurs when the body does not make enough insulin, the hormone that helps blood sugar to give energy to your cells. This may be caused by a genetic weakness, or by various lifestyle factors. The early signs of diabetes include hunger, fatigue, dry mouth, and blurred vision. There is also a strong link between diabetes and poor sexual performance because diabetes causing damage to the circulatory system.

The inability to maintain firm erections for sexual intercourse is common among men who have diabetes. With the right medical care, you can treat ED as a complication of diabetes. The success rates are high, with over 95% of treated cases. Oral medications as prescribed by a medical professional can help solve the issue.


Having excessive amounts of body fat can cause a person to suffer from obesity. Not just a cosmetic concern, this condition can also increase a person’s risk for heart problems, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Genetics, the lack of physical activity, and eating too much can cause a person to become obese. But did you know that obesity can also lead to impotence?

Being overweight can cause damage to your blood vessels. It might also cause a drop in testosterone. Lacking the right hormone levels can eventually result in problems with sexual performance. Unfortunately, not everyone who engages in diet and exercise can effortlessly reverse obesity and treat its complications. Consulting with a medical professional is often necessary for getting into the right treatment plan.

Tobacco and Alcohol Use

Chronic and heavy alcohol use can result in long-term impotence. A majority of those who suffer from alcoholism are also at greater risk of developing sexual performance problems. This includes premature ejaculation and lack of libido. Too much alcohol in your body system can also damage blood vessels and become a risk factor for hypertension.

Occasional drinking may boost male performance, but heavy and chronic use will cause more harm than good. Tobacco use is also a culprit, which causes the poor supply of blood to the penis. Not having good blood flow can make it impossible to maintain an erection. When combined with alcoholism, tobacco use can hurt your sexual performance.

Psychological Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

If you think that you don’t have medical problems or any physical deformities, then the main cause of your erectile problems might be psychological. This is often referred to as secondary erectile dysfunction. However, there can also be an overlap between physical causes and psychological issues. It’s worth investigating and looking into both so you can get the best course of treatment.

Stress and Anxiety

A decline in sex drive, or the inability to maintain erections, can also be caused by stress and anxiety. When you’re experiencing too much stress in your life, your body can react negatively. Too much stress can cause a decrease in testosterone production, which affects the male appearance and sexual development. It is also responsible for stimulating sperm production.

It is possible to treat poor sexual performance induced by anxiety. However, finding the right balance and medical treatment is necessary. Some forms of depression and anxiety medication can also cause problems in sexual performance. Consulting with the right professional who can design an effective treatment plan is key.


Depression is a form of mood disorder that causes you to feel persistently sad, unmotivated, and disinterested. This condition can negatively affect how you think and feel and it can lead to various health problems. In men, untreated depression can result in ED or poor sex drive. In worse cases, it can also lead to low self-esteem, relationship problems, and other psychological issues.

A great way to cope with depression is to take proper medication and to consult with the right professional. By focusing on your emotional wellbeing, you may also see improvements in your sexual performance.

Low Self-Esteem

There are many signs and symptoms of low-esteem, which often include difficulty speaking, feeling unnecessary guilt, and difficulty making personal choices. Having low self-esteem negatively affects our confidence and can cause us to refrain from engaging in pleasurable activities. Environmental and social factors are often the cause of this psychological condition. At first, it might seem less dangerous than anxiety and depression, but having low self-esteem can still negatively impact a person’s life.

Low self-esteem is also a leading cause of poor sexual performance. Without being comfortable and feeling capable enough in sexual situations, you may not have the right psychological resources to get or maintain an erection. Negative feelings about yourself can interrupt how the brain works to send signals that cause extra blood flow to the penis. By undergoing therapy and adopting a better mindset, you can treat or improve poor sexual performance caused by low self-esteem.

Porn Addiction

The moderate use of porn in sexual situations can help consenting adults achieve sexual satisfaction. But did you know that porn addiction can cause more harm than good, and even lead to sexual performance problems? Porn addiction refers to the compulsive, obsessive consumption of pornographic material. It can lead to grave consequences in many aspects of a person’s life. This type of addiction is controversial in some medical communities, but the negative impact on people’s lives is undeniable.

The most common signs of porn addiction include losing interest in your sexual partner, becoming unreasonably demanding, or not having the ability to perform sexually in real-life situations. Becoming psychologically “desensitized” due to over-consumption of pornographic material can also be a cause of impotence. With proper counseling and self-awareness, it’s possible to treat this addiction, so you can focus on living a more fulfilling life.

Receive Professional Advice Today

Sexual performance issues are deeply personal, but they shouldn’t cause you to suffer or go through it alone. Finding the right support and acknowledgment of your medical conditions are as important as finding the most effective cure. Whether you’re suffering from impotence due to physical or psychological reasons, getting proper medical support is extremely important. You have the right to live a more satisfying and fulfilling sexual lifestyle.

Our lifestyle medicine services and other health care offers will help you address the root cause of your medical problem and push you to make better lifestyle choices. You deserve to feel your best and enjoy a more colorful life! Get in touch with us at TEXT2MD today and we’ll connect you with the right medical professional.

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